Installation Savsoft Quiz v6.0 -Enterprise

Minimum requirement:
A web server or web hosting with php-7.3+ and MySql 5.3+
Mysql database and its credentials (Mysql hostname, database name, username and password).
In installation guide we are using our domain name SAVSOFTQUIZ.ORG as example and installation path or folder “quiz” ( complete path:
Don’t forget to replace it with your domain name and installation path.

  1. Download zip file from your account at client portal.
    You should have valid purchased license of Savsoft Quiz v6..0 -Enterprise
  2. Upload zip file to your server of webhosting.
  3. Unzip the file.
  4. Go to location quiz/api/ edit .env file
  5. Change base url at line number 40
    eg. app.baseURL = ‘”;
  6. Change database credentials at line number 69-78
    Add same credentials for writeDB and readDb (if you are going to use master and slave database servers then change accordingly)
  7. In downloaded folder you can find database.sql file. Import database.sql file to your mysql database.
  8. Go to location quiz/application/dist/js/
  9. Edit custom.js file and change public path of api folder.
    var api_base_url=””;
    var api_site_url=””;
  10. Installation completed

    Default admin login:
    Username: admin
    Password: admin